Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Rainy Days

Well, here it is, the beginning of another work week (I'd say Monday, but we had off for Columbus Day) and my car won't start *again*!
By now I have AAA Roadside on speed dial on my cell. I'm waiting for the day when I can call them by name before they say it.
I'm wondering if it's Mirak's work - they're the Chevy dealer in town - or if it's just that my car is a little over 7 years old. But she's only got about 37K miles on her, so it's hard to tell.
Part of me worries it's all this rush hour driving. But I *love* being able to practice my singing again! I mean, with a voice as big as mine, I can't go singing out around my apartment - there just isn't enough sound-proofing for me to do that.
Maybe I should work something out with church that I can go and practice. But I don't know if that would take away too much from outside groups using the space.
And it's sooo much easier to get to rehearsals and pick up stuff for shows on the way.
I just worry that it's too much wear-and-tear on Gracie. (My car - Gracie Aileen - named for my maternal grandmother. She passed away a little before I got my car, and I wanted a good name for the car so I'd remember to be a good driver.)

So, here I am, a home (for once I'm not on the shoulder of the road or in a pharmacy parking lot). I *need* to be at work! We've got a grant report and a grant application to get out before the beginning of December. (Yes, this may sound like a lot of time, but when your work has to be approved by the dean and be double-checked by the Sponsored Research Office, well, let's just say we need to get this done ASAP!)

And we have a brush-up rehearsal tonight. (Never knew those in Syracuse, but I'm sure they're probably doing those nowadays.) And tomorrow night I *have* to finish cleaning up my apartment - my mom is coming on Thursday and she's going to see the show on Friday.
Oh, my show - I'm in "Wit" (or "w;t" according to the *official* spelling on the script). I'm one of the lab tech/med student/undergrad/Code team/stage crew roles. The hardest thing about that part is remembering your blocking! (And for me, at least, trying to keep the sweat in check - stupid thyroid!)
If you get a chance to see or be in "Wit" - DO IT! It is a *fantastic* show that, when done right, is a 'tour de force' for the actress playing Vivian (the lead), and really moving for everyone involved. Our show is being directed by Celia Couture - she is AWESOME! (If you're in the Boston area and have a chance to be directed by her - well, again, DO IT! By far one of the top directors around!)
Well, I'm going to see if AAA or the towing company is calling. Maybe I'll get to work before noon today?
And I'll try to keep this up to date - I realized I hadn't really written since my grandfather's funeral. (Which we actually called a "Celebration of Life" - a much better way to think of it, don't you agree?)
Best regards,
Me :-)