Monday, May 24, 2004

Still settling in...

Well, I'm still getting settled in to the new place. Right now I'm at work and on hold with my DSL service - it didn't get switched properly, and right now I can't access my e-mail for that account (and no one can send me anything either)!!!!

Don't you just love those helpful little hold tips when you're on hold to tech support? (Let alone the fact I'm not even in the same town as my home computer right now!)

Supposedly this'll only take 10 minutes. Ha! (I think it's the new "I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.")

Well, if I ever get finished with the call, I'll try and post an update.

Later all!
Kate :-/

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Moving Jitters

Well, yes, at work & blogging during a break again!
I stayed up packing boxes for my move this Friday. (It's only about 4 blocks away, but, still, everything has to go!

There've been a couple people by to see the (soon-to-be) old apartment, but with all the boxes, I'm sure it's not really showing well. (Did I mention that it's a small studio?)

My parents are going to be here tomorrow! I can already hear my mom's "Oh honey, you've barely gotten anything done." (And just how many boxes do you think I can pack up and still leave enough room for anyone to move around?)
It's actually kind of weird, not having many books out, I'm so used to having tons lining the shelves. (Probably a left-over habit from my college days.)

Well, it's time to head off and grab a bite of lunch, before I use up my whole break blogging!

Kate :-)

Monday, May 03, 2004

My first blog


Well, I'm finally trying out this blogging thing! I'm at work (it's my lunch hour, but - shh!).
My supervisor is actually giving me some more responsibility with our summer school program (at Harvard, and NO I can't help you get in. (Sorry about that, you would not believe the number of e-mails that we all get here asking for help in getting in to the university.)
Maybe she's hoping I'll be able to take over some of her job responsibilities when she retires (possibly in 1 to 2 years). Well, maybe.

Never thought I'd be working as a secretary when I got older. But, it's not like that's all I do. I also participate in community theatre and my church choir.

Well, I guess I'll leave the rest for later - my lunch break is almost over!

Kate :-)