I originally wrote this poem on September 15, 2001. I created a song version of this (which now only exists in .wav form) when I directed a scene from "The Guys" for a class I took during the summer of 2005. The tenth anniversary seemed like an appropriate time to revise and update a little and then share with those who might want to read it.
Note: if you're already overwhelmed by the coverage on TV, the Internet and elsewhere, feel free to skip reading this. I should probably also state that the opinions and impressions expressed are entirely my own (although I realize they may be shared by others, and are by no means be unique to me). If you like this and want to use it (or are curious about the song version), just leave a comment.
© copyright 2001, 2011 by Kate Kisselstein
Could I Do The Same For Them?
(a poem/song for all the brave souls who helped others on September 11, 2001)
That morning in September
filled me with shock and fear.
I never thought that such a thing
would ever happen here.
And as I stood in silence,
hundreds raced to heed the call,
brave men and brave women
who gladly gave their all.
Could I do the same for them
as they would do for me?
Because times of trial and trouble
always bring me to my knees.
Could I face a raging fire
because someone needed me?
Well I’d like to think if I were there
God would give me the strength I need.
I was too afraid to turn my head
from the chaos on the screen –
too afraid I wasn’t sleeping
and what it then would mean.
It’d mean I couldn’t wake up
to find this nightmare all untrue,
and so it seemed without a doubt
there was nothing I could do.
How could I do for them
what they would do for me?
Because times of trial and trouble
always bring me to my knees.
How could I face a uncertain danger
because someone needed me?
But I’d like to think if I were there
God would give me the strength I need.
I may not be the strongest,
or the bravest or the best,
But when life hands me troubles,
and my faith's put to the test,
the one thing I can surely do
is get on my knees and pray
to Our God who watches over us
every second of our days.
Now it has been ten years
since those flames darkened our skies,
and we’re still left wondering
why so many had to die.
And let us not forget
the many still struggling today.
Since the day that we all held our breath
for the U.S.A.
Could you do the same for them,
as they would do for you?
In times of trial and trouble
just what helps to see you through?
So when you find that life
has brought you down upon your knees -
just take it to Our Lord above -
He'll give you all the strength you need
Yeah, just take it to Our Lord above -
He'll give you all the strength you need.
~ by Kate Kisselstein
© original written September 15, 2001; revised September 10, 2011