Ooo - that sounds intriguing, doesn't it? But it's not really a biggie. I confessed to my mom (who arrives today for a weekend stay) that I bought a laptop. My rationalization? If I start taking more classes, I'm going to need it - and it was only $800 for a refreshed model (for you uninitiated - a refreshed model means it was used in the store for demo only, refurbished is one that was owned by someone else).
So, yes, mom arrives today. My apartment? A mess (as usual). My nerves? Shot. (If your mom was coming and your place was a mess and you had to be at work all day instead of home cleaning like you should have - how would you be?
And I'm still trying to think of a "new" story for the NaNoWriMo contest (50K words in 30 days). I didn't realize I couldn't keep working on the same story! As Charlie Brown would say - AUGH! (Oh, NaNoWriMo = National Novel Writing Month). And my story from last year is
The Color of Darkness. Which, yess, is a different blog completely - but that was before I realized that I could have more than one blog per username. And the name? Gracy Emerson? My "nom de plume" (of course). This year's novel (which, of course, I haven't started yet - that would be cheating!) has the oh-so-imaginative (note the sarcasm) title of "My New Novel". Can you tell I've got a plot all figured out? (Please tell me you get the sarcasm in that last statement!)
Oh, well, back to work!
All the best,
Me :-)